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Sunday Worship, Starts at 10:30am
In-Person Worship Canceled
Zoom Worship for Tomorrow, January 12, 10:30am
Scriptures: Isaiah 43:1-7 & John 1: 1-18
Sermon: The Children’s Moon
Preacher: Rev. Shea McGinniss
Because of inclement weather, the Westover Hills Session has canceled in-person worship for Sunday, January 12. Instead, we will gather by Zoom at 10:30am Sunday.
Please prepare for worship by having your communion elements available (bread or cracker and grape or other juice).
The bulletins are linked below; we will follow the order of worship as listed. In lieu of singing, some words to hymns will be read.
We extend our gratitude to Rev. Shea McGinnis for his flexibility to make the worship service available tomorrow.
Worship will be recorded. Please share this invitation to worship with anyone near or far.
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 4129 8167
Passcode: WHPC2021
Coffee Hour Cancelled Sunday, January 12th
New Office Hours
The Westover office is open on Wednesdays from 10 AM to 3 PM.
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Rev. Robert LowryDear Friends,
I hope you will take a few minutes to explore our website to learn more about Westover Hills Presbyterian. This will give you a glimpse of who we are. The best things about Westover cannot be posted on the website, however. The best part of Westover are the people and the community.
Westover Hills is a community that strives to be welcoming to people who have solid faith or struggling faith, people who fit the mold and people who break the mold, people who think there can be a better world and are willing to work to make it a reality. At Westover, we believe in building community rooted in hope and defined by our core values of worship, justice, service, and inclusiveness.
Since our founding 75 years ago, Westover Hills has been committed to those core values. The values that led the congregation to take a stand against segregation in the 1950’s and 1960’s continue to shape our work today. Our ministry to incarcerated persons and members of the LGBTQIA+ community are part of our commitment to embrace diversity and fight for equity.
Here you will find a glimpse of who we are, but the best way to get to know WHPC is to drop by one Sunday morning and see what we are really all about. Whether you are looking for a new church home, just dipping your toes in the world of religion, or simply need a port in the storm in this crazy world, we hope you will give Westover Hills a chance.
Peace, Pastor Robert Lowry