The Reverend Dr. Robert Lowry
The Reverend Dr. Robert Lowry was born and raised in Little Rock, a child of Second Presbyterian Church. He grew up in the Heights and attended Little Rock public schools. His mother, Catherine, still lives in the home where Robert grew up. He and his sister were lucky enough to grow up with all four of their grandparents nearby. Some of Rob‘s earliest memories are of attending church with his grandparents at Second Presbyterian and Pulaski Heights United Methodist.
After finishing at Central High, Rob attended Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in history and religion. Following college, he worked briefly in the insurance industry and in retail before answering the call to ministry. He attended Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, graduating in 2001. After being ordained by the Presbytery of Arkansas, he served churches in Louisiana, Michigan, Arkansas, and Mississippi. He continued his theological education, earning a Master of Theological Studies degree from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary at Northwestern University and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary.
In the congregational setting, Robert’s favorite things are worship and preaching, teaching Bible study, and walking alongside the congregation as they live and serve together. He is particularly committed to ministries that combat racism, poverty, and economic disparity, along with acceptance of LGBTQIA diversity and inclusion. Rob is helping build a place in the church where everyone is welcomed and valued.
Robert is a past member of the board of Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Family Services and served as the Synod of the Sun representative to the University of the Ozarks Board of Trustees. He serves on the Synod of Living Waters personnel committee, the Board of Directors of Solar Under the Sun, and the Presbytery’s Cooperative Committee on Ordination Exams where he chairs the worship and sacraments team.
Robert and his husband, Brian, along with their 13-year-old Springer Spaniel, Mo, and Welsh Pembroke Corgis, Wednesday and Huck, are looking forward to their return to Little Rock, a city they love and where they have family and so many dear friends. Brian is a native of London, Arkansas, and a graduate of UALR Bowen School of Law. He is an attorney and serves as in-house counsel for LiveRamp, Inc.
When not working, Rob and Brian enjoy spending time with their families, looking for great finds at estate sales, adding to their collection of work by local artists, and searching out new spots for a great meal.